Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why we Homeschool

It's that time of year again.  The start of another "school year" has quickly come upon us.
As a public school graduate who thought all homeschoolers were "strange" until I met my amazingly normal husband and his normal homeschooling friends I still can't believe I am a homeschool mom myself.

If you would have told me I'd been homeschooling my children I would have called you crazy.  However, as my little ones began to grow up and I started to research and pray over the decision the Lord made it perfectly clear.  Now as the mother of a First Grader, Preschooler, and soon to be newborn I can't imagine my life any other way.

 TIME- I don't have to tell any mom out there just how fast time flies by.  I want to be with my children as much as possible.  Sending them to school would mean lots and lots of time away from home.  I'm just not okay with that.  I love them and want to be with them teaching and training every day.

 EDUCATION- I have no doubt in my mind my children get a better education with me teaching them one on one.  I can move forward when they are ready and spend a little extra time when needed. My daughter is such a social butterfly and I know she would get distracted easily in the classroom.  At home I can encourage her to stay at it and help her succeed. We also never stop learning! Just yesterday my daughter asked me a question about polar bears diets. We were able to seek out the answer together. Always learning.

 CHARACTER- My children get to learn not only reading and writing but how to have godly character.  We spend time memorizing scripture, praying together, and reading our Bible.  We also spend time learning  character traits. My children are not able to get this type of training at school-it's just not permitted anymore in the walls of the schools.

 SHELTER-  Yep, I said it!  I want to shelter my children.  My husband and I pour ourselves into our children everyday.  I have no idea what goes on in the homes of the other children at school.  I do not want my children exposed to evil things at such a young age.  I carry everyday scars and baggage from my public school experience.  As I would shelter a young plant until it is ready to go outside in the harsh environment I will also protect the innocence of my children.

 FLEXIBILITY- Vacation during the less expensive season.  Hang out with my grandparents for a few days. Take a day off.  Work during the weekend.  The options are endless.  We have the freedom to dictate our routine and it makes life so much more enjoyable. This will really be a blessing when the new baby comes.

 FRIENDSHIP- I want my children to become friends. We want our family to be close.  If our children spend all day away from each other this is very difficult to cultivate.  In addition to all the extra activities kids are in these days some siblings rarely see each other.  Our kids are buddies.  They do bicker..but this gives my the blessing of teaching them how to treat one another.

These are just a few of the many reasons why we choose to home educate our children.  For our family it is a perfect fit.  Is everyday perfect?  Not a chance!  It is hard work!  Anything worthwhile is rarely easy.

Here are a few sites I would recommend.   Hope you will be greatly encouraged.

Titus 2- Managers of their School

Abeka Academy

Homeschooling with a meek and quiet spirit

Indoctrination Movie


Holy Spirit-Led Homeschooling


  1. Reading this and hoping I fit into the "normal" friend category. Thank you for the reminders and why we make the sacrifices every day for our children. Our school day consisted of big kids doing worksheets and toddler being the class clown and making us laugh. What a great refresher it was to belly-laugh in the middle of language arts! Can't wait to check out the links. Keep up the good work, Mama. You're doing great! xo

  2. Hi Carla. I homeschool for many of the same reasons and the "time" thing is the most valuable to me now that I have children out of the home. The time you share with them is just precious. So many great family memories. Have a great school year!

  3. Tiffany- you are soooo one of the normal ones!! Not to mention such a wonderful friend and source of encouragment!! love ya girl!

    Sarah-thank you for sharing :) The time just goes by so fast. I want to soak up all these moments.
