Thursday, June 14, 2012

My selfish heart and what made me see it

I really am blown away at the impact this book has had upon my life.
I consider myself a very selfless person.  I don't live in a fancy house, drive a fancy car, or wear expensive clothes.  However, after diving into the pages of Kisses from Katie my selfishness hit me like a brick. I (we) are so rich here in rich we don't even know it.  We have no idea what a blessing it is to have a roof over our heads, hot running water, an abundance of food, clothes and so many other luxuries.
I often find myself upset with the Lord over why I still have stained carpet and old kitchen cupboards.
Why it seems when we get then money saved for such a purchase the water pump needs fixed or we have an unexpected medical bill.  Instead of praising the Lord for the provision of these items I grumble.


I beg God for forgiveness for my selfish heart.
Today, is a new day...a day of thankfulness.
A day to be grateful for what I have and not longing for what I don't
A day I take much more serious the problem with hunger and orphans in our world.
A day I know that little me can make a huge impact if I just do something...anything.
Just by writing this blog post and getting the word out is a step toward making an impact.

I highly recommend you read this amazing book.
** I am not paid by anyone to recommend this book or receive anything if you buy**
Just sharing my heart
~Carla <><

1 comment:

  1. I was moved by this girl as well. Such an amazing outlook she has! And you are right...we are spoiled here and don't even know it. sigh!
